Collège Jean Rostand

Collège – Orvault

Loire Atlantique
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Au troisième trimestre, la classe de 5eD a bénéficié d’un projet où ils ont pu s’initier au golf. Les élèves ont ensuite profité des cours d’AP pour rédiger 2 articles en anglais (un par groupe). Bonne lecture !
Mme Gailliot et M. Le Goff.

The discovery of golf !!!!
Our class went to the golf from 9AM to 11 AM in May.
The landscape* was very green and wonderful. There was a lake too. We learnt the different positions and the security rules with the coach and the golf players. We couldn’t stay next to the golfers when they were shooting.
The 5D used some clubs: the putter, the wood, the wedge. We played balance games to master balance**. We went on the driving range*** and on the green.
Thanks to Cédric and Théo for teaching**** us golf.
[*paysage  ** garder l’équilibre *** le practice **** pour nous avoir enseigné]
Manon, Cléo, Maëlya, Clémence, Isaac, Elowan, Rans, Bana, Soan, Salma, Ines B, Sofia, Charlie.

– I liked it because it was a new experience. (Isaac)
– I enjoyed it because I have never practised this sport before. (Ines B)
– I loved golf because it was interesting cool and funny, I discovered a new sport. (Manon, and Charlie)
– I adored it because I was the best ! (Soan)
– I enjoyed golf because it was very funny. (Bana)I liked it because I discovered a new sport. (Elowan)

The golf project for the 5D !
We went to the golf on Friday, Thursday and Tuesday. We went there with Mr Le Goff and Mrs Gailliot.
We took the bus in the morning about 8 AM.
It was raining during the first session, but after it was cloudy and sunny at the end.
In the first and the second session, we played some games on the driving range* . During the third session we did balance games**. We were allowed to*** play on the green.
We came back for lunch.
[* le practice ** jeux d’équilibre *** autorisés à …]
Maxime, Jeanne, Alice, Ambre, Soulaimana, Alyssa, Noé, Bandjou, Lou, Ines S, Lulu, Victor [* écureuil

– I liked it because the driving range was awesome, but I detested the green because it was boring and very difficult! My friend and I laughed a lot because we saw a squirrel* and she said it was ugly !(Ambre) [* écureuil]
– I liked this project because we practised on the driving range a lot! (Lulu)
– I loved playing golf because it was funny. (Noé)
– I liked the first and fourth session but I didn’t like the second and the third session. (Bandjou)
– I liked golf because the driving range was fun. But I also disliked this sport because it was sometimes boring (Alice)